Second Alumni meeting: "Innovation and digital tranformation"

Date: March, 11th 2022.
AEPEA organized a one-day seminar in collaboration with the German Embassy and the German Academic Exchange Service - DAAD. The main objective of the event was to recognize projects related to innovation and digital transformation that are led by German Alumni in Ecuador.
The event had a restriction of participants due to the COVID pandemic. However, participants were able to listen to three talks with topics of:
"Ecuador's Potential for Bioeconomy and Circular Economy" by Vinicio Villalba,
"The Automated System of the Constitutional Court, Progress in digitization" by Consuelo Velasco,
and "Smart Land Management and Monitoring - SmartLand - UTPL" by Baltazar Calvas.
The initiatives presented activated the interest of many attendees and the first collaboration and extension links were created between AEPEA and Alumni of the city of Loja.
We also had the opportunity to receive a visit from the new director of the regional DAAD office, Dr. Reinhard Babel, who spoke to us about the opportunities for Alumni offered by the regional DAAD. From the German Embassy in Ecuador, the Ambassador, Dr. Phillip Schauer and the Cultural Attaché of the Embassy, Ms. Lenya van Gennip, reiterated their support for the objectives of the Association, and expressed their wishes for the success of our efforts to establish the DAAD in Ecuador.
Christmas Stammtisch
Date: December 19th, 2021.
The new board of AEPEA held the first Christmas Stammtisch to spend together with all members of AEPEA in a cordial and festive time, at the "Ludwig" restaurant in Quito. All attendees participated in an Eco-exchange of gifts, pure German style, which caused more than one smile among the participants.
Virtual Stammtisch – Oktoberfest
Virtual Stammtisch - PMD
Date: May 28th, 2020
AEPEA organized its first virtual meeting, adapting to the conditions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. We discussed the annual planning of the association and reviewed activities proposed by committees in the last General Assembly. We also invited Daniela Matthes-Rosero, coordinator of the CIM Program by the GIZ. She told us about the support available for the reactivation of the economy through an innovation fund.
Alumni meeting and organization of the Event "Sustainable Cities and energy production: realities of Ecuador and Germany"
Date: January 17 and 18, 2020
AEPEA organized a two-day conference with the support of the German Embassy, the GIZ CIM Program, and the German School of Quito. The event aims to raise awareness on two main issues related to the thematic: the problems that we face in the cities we inhabit daily, and the environmental impacts of our daily practices regarding energy and food consumption.The participants were able to interact; create links and seek new opportunities for cooperation.
The event also served as a platform to publicize the various opportunities offered by the DAAD to its Alumni through a presentation by Dr. Martina Schulze, DAAD Regional Representative.
Stammtisch „Prevention of Violence against Women– PreViMujer programm”
During our first Stammtisch, we had the pleasure of having the support of the GIZ PreViMujer Program through its representative, Viviana Maldonado, who shared a brief presentation on the work they are developing in Ecuador about the prevention of violence against women.
We also take advantage of this space to spread information about the relationship with German research institutions and financing possibilities.