What is AEPEA?
The Association of Ecuadorians with Studies in the Federal Republic of Germany -AEPEA is an academic, non-political, and non-profit organization. We work to promote collaboration between professionals who returned to Ecuador, and between them, and the German representation entities in the country.
We seek to promote cooperation between the institutions that received us in Germany and those that receive us upon our return to Ecuador, through the programs carried out by the German Cooperation in Ecuador. Our main objective is to promote cultural, academic, and knowledge exchange between the two countries.
How can I become a member?
If you are interested in being part of our academic community, you can apply for membership using the form in the download section of the website or contact us by email at: alumni.ec.de@gmial.com.
What are the requirements to become a member?
-To complete successfully your bachelor or graduate studies (Master, Ph.D. or equivalent) at a German university and prove it with the certification extended by "Senescyt" after registration of the academic credentials in Ecuador. For Alumni that finished a postdoc, you should demonstrate having completed a post-doctorate staying at a German academic institution by a certification of your scholarship, founding, or contract extended by a German institution. .
- To have a permanent residency in Ecuador.
- To fill the form and apply for membership to the board of AEPEA directors, and .
- To pay the annual membership fee.
If I did a short language course in Germany, can I be part of the association?
No. Unfortunately, our network of professionals only receives graduate professionals who have successfully completed long-term academic studies in Germany.
Can I be part of the association if my master's or doctorate was done in English?
Of course. We understand that most study programs in Germany are offered in English and German, so having completed your studies in English is not an impediment to accessing our network.
Can I be an associate, despite not living in Ecuador?
Unfortunately, No. Our network of professionals aims to establish contact and communication with those experts who returned and reside in Ecuador.
Do I have obligations as an associate?
Yes. Associates have obligations detailed in our bylaws. The main obligations to be an active member are to participate in the assemblies; to collaborate with the internal commissions; to work loyally in the fulfillment of the common objectives of the network; to participate in the sessions and deliberations of the AEPEA; and pay the annual membership.
What benefits do I get from being a member?
The benefits are: being part of a multidisciplinary network of professionals; participating with voice and vote in the sessions and deliberations of the AEPEA; knowing the different programs, jobs, and academic opportunities of the different German organizations, such as GIZ, DAAD, Migration, and Diaspora Program - PMD, etc.; share academic and professional experiences; share with different professionals the different experiences lived in Germany during the studies; participate in congresses, Stammtisch and other events.